Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 2

Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) is a free site to help teachers, students, and even parents of Alabama. Teachers can go into ALEX and find many different things to help them teach. Lesson plans can be found for K-12 teachers helping them get a different view of what to teach in their classroom. This program is to help better the overall teaching programs in Alabama.

Students can search different topics of study and find many different things to help them learn the subject. Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) helps teachers resource different things for student and also helping them in their classroom. This is an online program so students can access the program anywhere, not just the classroom.

ACCESS, Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide is another program helping Alabama better their education program. The programs lets students take programs online that they are not able to take at their school. This program takes technology to the next level and uses it for good. K-12 students will not have any limitations to their education anymore.

These programs are wonderful in the production of a better education program. ALEX is something that everyone in education can find useful. The ACCESS program helps student widen the possibilities of education. It also lets all students in Alabama be on one level of education. This level is at the highest point it has ever been at and the possibilities are endless.

Hopefully this program will help not only Alabama but also other states. If it is found that these programs help raise the education levels other states will slowly be moving into programs such as this. When more people get involved with these programs the more improved they become. All of this is to help better the student in every way possible and the learning potential is great.

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